Thursday, October 8, 2009

We'll be so hungry!

On November 14, our invited guests – Angel children – will be served all sorts of food, from popcorn to McDonald’s to ice cream.

It seems like a lot of food but those of us with our own children (and our own tummies) know that every three hours or so it’s good to have something to eat besides ice cream and cookies. While pizza or esfihas aren’t considered the healthiest of snacks, it’s what we like to serve because it’s easy to eat and something different for the ordinary routine of rice and beans for these kids.

To feed all of the children and all of our volunteers, we need the equivalent of 100 pizzas. We’re looking for donations – one big donation, 3 smaller donations, 10 even smaller donations – so that we have a warm savory food to serve the children in the afternoon. If you know of a pizza place (or 10 or one of 10) that might be willing to stoke up their ovens and make us 100 pizzas for the afternoon of November 14, let us know. If you have another idea for how to feed these kids a warm snack, let us know!

If you have extra cash and would just like to chip in towards 100 pizzas, let us know that too!

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