Thursday, October 8, 2009

A great day of great deliveries!

Yesterday was the big Final Delivery Day at Newcomers and we received nearly all of our gift bags. Thank you so much to everyone who made such an effort to shop, wrap and deliver on time. Our lives in this city can be so crazy and we all know that it’s not easy. So we really do appreciate the effort.

For those of us who have to organize, sort and count bags, having everything in on time makes an incredible difference in terms of our stress, our finances and our energy. Thanks to all of you!

If you didn’t deliver your bag on time…

We still love you. Don’t worry.

But we need all bags delivered by
October 14 or we’ll have to use part of the cash reserves we have set aside for things like food to buy presents for your child. How’s that for a guilt trip?

Seriously, there needs to be a cut off date and it was yesterday. When our sponsors miss that, we start to get nervous.

October 14 is the final of final dates or we’ll have to consider you a no-show. And we don’t want to do that. Honestly.

There is now one delivery address only:
Rua França, 186
Jardim Europa
Between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Confirm with João at 3082-4338 before driving over so he knows to expect you.

Thank you!

Our Next Big Day

Transnway Day is our next big event. This will happen on October 28.

What happens is that a group of us goes out to the Transnway International moving company’s storage in Taboão da Serra. We spend the morning having snacks, making jokes and, almost as important, checking these things:

• that each child coming to the party is accounted for
• that each gift bag has arrived
• that all bags are complete
• that all gifts are labeled and put into large white plastic bags

If you’d like to help, contact Karri Ware at

Transnway makes its storage facilities available to us for storing the bags and other supplies until the day of the party. Thank you! They also send a truck to haul bags from Newcomers to their storage area. Thank you! They take the bags to Chapel school for us. Thank you! And this is the tenth year in a row they’ve done this for us. Thank you!

We'll be so hungry!

On November 14, our invited guests – Angel children – will be served all sorts of food, from popcorn to McDonald’s to ice cream.

It seems like a lot of food but those of us with our own children (and our own tummies) know that every three hours or so it’s good to have something to eat besides ice cream and cookies. While pizza or esfihas aren’t considered the healthiest of snacks, it’s what we like to serve because it’s easy to eat and something different for the ordinary routine of rice and beans for these kids.

To feed all of the children and all of our volunteers, we need the equivalent of 100 pizzas. We’re looking for donations – one big donation, 3 smaller donations, 10 even smaller donations – so that we have a warm savory food to serve the children in the afternoon. If you know of a pizza place (or 10 or one of 10) that might be willing to stoke up their ovens and make us 100 pizzas for the afternoon of November 14, let us know. If you have another idea for how to feed these kids a warm snack, let us know!

If you have extra cash and would just like to chip in towards 100 pizzas, let us know that too!